Title: Crystal Palace Circle: CCT Series: Final Fantasy Tactics Scanlator: Deja Vu Installment: 4 of 4 Genre: Sweet story Pairing: Zalbag + Ramza (not slash) Warnings: None Download: HERE
Title: Crystal Palace Circle: CCT Series: Final Fantasy Tactics Scanlator: Deja Vu Installment: 3 of 4 Genre: Sweet story Pairing: Zalbag + Ramza (not slash) Warnings: None
Title: Crystal Palace Circle: CCT Series: Final Fantasy Tactics Scanlator: Deja Vu Installment: 2 of 4 Genre: Sweet story Pairing: Zalbag + Ramza (not slash) Warnings: None
Title: Crystal Palace Circle: CCT Series: Final Fantasy Tactics Scanlator: Deja Vu Installment: 1 of 4 Genre: Sweet story Pairing: Zalbag + Ramza (not slash) Warnings: None
Title: Mori no Kumasan O-Shokuji-Chuu Circle: Mushanobori & Lighthouse-MK Series: Final Fantasy Tactics Scanner: starchanchan Installment: 2 of 2 Genre: Gag Pairing: General Warnings: None Download: HERE
Title: Mori no Kumasan O-Shokuji-Chuu Circle: Mushanobori & Lighthouse-MK Series: Final Fantasy Tactics Scanner: starchanchan Installment: 1 of 2 Genre: Gag Pairing: General Warnings: None